
Citizen RADIO WAWERU MBURU labels UHURU/ RUTO as the worst leaders ever; he is ashamed to have them - they will sink Kenya.

Citizen radio political analyst, Waweru Mburu, has expressed his sympathy to Kenyans for having two ICC suspects as their President and Deputy President.

Speaking on Wednesday, the ever critical Waweru Mburu labeled President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Deputy, William Ruto, as selfish leaders, who only  sought the Presidency to shield themselves from their personal problems with the International Criminal Court (ICC).
He noted that the two leaders had no Kenyan agenda at heart but how they will use their office to perpetuate impunity, citing the AU summit in Ethiopia, where Uhuru only discussed his personal problems with ICC and not the welfare of Kenya as a country.
Mburu further noted that because of the two ICC indictees, Kenya had become a laughing stock in the eyes of the international community, saying he feels very ashamed to have Uhuru Kenyatta as his President.
“I agree Uhuru Kenyatta is my President but I always feel ashamed to say so”, said Mburu.
He warned that Kenya will soon collapse like other failed States because it has the worst President and Deputy ever.